Tuesday, October 14, 2014

"They Were Born That Way?" So What?

Using the excuse, "I was born that way," is a non-scalable alibi.

My sons are all computer developers, they write code for different companies for the Internet. A common complaint of novice developers is when they write code that won't scale. Their code works when they try it on the test servers using 1000 hits or users, but when they launch it into cyberspace, the application crashes. They review the code, test it again, roll it out, and it bursts into flames as it crashes to the floor.

The problem usually lies in having the server execute individual operations rather than batching operations together. The server has no problems performing several thousand operations a second, so on the test server everything looks good. But when mounted in the real world on a popular site, it can be hit with hundreds of thousands or even millions of operations a second. When the server becomes so over-whelmed with unfinished tasks, it can't continue and it shuts down.

"I was born that way" is a good reason to continue to act the way we always have; it is positive procrastination justified. It really doesn't make any difference what the behavior is, it is not a justifiable reason to remain the way we are.

There is a reason for every person's condition, but there is no excuse for them to remain that way.

Let's just see if this scales to the real world?
  • Alcoholics are born that way and shouldn't change.
  • Kleptomaniacs are born that way and can't change.
  • Homosexuals are born that way and shouldn't be expected to change.
  • Pedophiles are born that way and can't be expected to change.
  • Maniacal tyrant murders like Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussian, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot were born that way and we shouldn't expect them to treat us otherwise.
  • Greedy, self-serving capitalists like the Koch brothers or George Soros were born that way have every right to manipulate governments to their advantage.

Humm . . . doesn't look like it fits all cases. Maybe if one-size fits all, it doesn't fit anyone?

Maybe, just maybe, we can become something different that the way we were born? Or maybe we can take what we are and become someone so much better.

What about Jennifer Bricker? Born with no legs, she was inspired by gymnast Dominique Moceanu and became a world-class tumbler. Watch her interview as she explains why being "born this way" never prevented her from being the best she could.

Gabe Adams, an 8 year-old boy, also born with no arms or legs, coined his own motto, "I can do anything with a smile". 

And finally, Nick Vujicic, no arms or legs either, is a motivational speaker, traveling around the world sharing hope and the dream that we can change ourselves to become what God wants us to be. He has even married the girl of his dreams and continues to strive to be a better person each day.

The thing they all have in common is supportive friends and family who never placed limits on them, never accepted that because they had disabilities, they couldn't do the things they wanted, and never gave up on them. This kind of support will enable anyone to overcome any short-comings or weaknesses they were "born with". Obesity, anorexia, anger management, un-natural attractions, low self-esteem, alcoholism, drug dependency, you name it, you can change it or manage it.

Most of these issues never leave us, just as Jennifer, Gabe and Nick will never be able to grow new arms and legs. But, our fears and limitations can be controlled, not coddled. We can let the elephant play quietly in the corner while we immerse ourselves in greater things.

Did these three become what they did because of their birth or in spite of it?  We will never know, but this much we do know, they learned to "do anything with a smile".

There is a reason for every person's condition, but there is no excuse for them to remain that way.

Friday, October 10, 2014

It's Not Capitalism, It's Cronyism

Many of you may have been wondering why the progressives have such a disdain for capitalism. It is maligned with such quips as:
  • You didn't build that!
  • Greedy Capitalist Pig.
  • The Decade of Greed.
  • Rich Republican donors.
  • The Koch brothers are buying America.
In his movie, "Capitalism, A Love Story" Michael Moore ended with the quote, "Capitalism is an evil, and you cannot regulate evil. You have to eliminate it and replace it with something that is good for all people and that something is democracy." Actually he doesn't know what he is talking about. Capitalism is an economic system, Democracy is a form of government. We can't have an economic system with out a government and vice versa.

Capitalism, as espoused first by Adam Smith, is simply a system where the producer profits from their productivity and efforts. If I spend the time to gather resources, create a product or service someone else deems of value, and I sell it to them for more than the cost to produce, I realize a profit in the difference between my expenses and the sales price. 
  • If I price the items for less that the cost to produce, I loose money and go out of business.
  • If I price the items too high, someone else emerges to sell it for less, and I loose business.
  • If I create items that no one wants or needs, no one purchases them and I go out of business.
Smith explained that these "natural laws" of business would keep capitalism in check and provide the greatest good for the society. Supply and demand as well as competition keep the playing field balanced.

Michael Moore and other elitists celebrities do this all the time with their work, but refuse to acknowledge they are capitalists. Mr Moore finances a movie or documentary such as "Capitalism, A Love Story". He hires others to help him film and distribute the product, sells it to the public, and then he keeps the difference between the cost of the film and the revenue generated, his profit. He profits handsomely from the very system he maligns. It grossed over $14 Million dollars.

So whether you are; 1) a sole proprietor who makes and sells products or services, 2) an employer who hires other people to help with the production and distribution of the products or services, or 3) an employee who works for a company to produce products or services where you are paid for your productivity, you are a capitalist.

There is a moral obligation with capitalism to share proportionally the profits with those who helped to create them; but competition from other companies selling at a lower price or hiring away employees for a better wage, keeps employers looking out for the welfare of those working for them.

So, what has gone wrong? It is not capitalism that has failed, it is the introduction of cronyism.

Cronyism is profiting from our relationships with others. It has nothing to do with our productivity or efforts. We are dependent on whether or not we make our benefactor happy. This is how Socialism, Communism, and Monarchys survive.

Cronyism was the name of the game in the Middle Ages in Europe. The kings were accepted by the people as the Divinely appointed rulers of the country. Kings owned everything, including the people. They divvied out property and power to the nobility, comprised mostly of those who helped them to gain power. As long as the nobility fulfilled the wishes of the king, they retained their property and power, regardless of their productivity. One false step could forfeit, for them and their posterity, any claim to the prestige they enjoyed and it would be given to another. "Game of Thrones" ring a bell?

It has often been at play in the politics of the Untied States. Every time there is a newly elected President, he brings with him a gaggle of supporters to whom he owes his office. In gratitude, he bestows appointments, offices, and powers to help him govern the country. There are justifiable reasons for bringing along your supporters. A new President often brings a new focus, new direction or new ideology to the country. It is important for his success to surround himself with those who share his vision. This is wise leadership. But when he rewards donors with positions they are neither qualified nor capable of handling, it is cronyism.

Today our country is rife with Cronyism and its companion, incompetence. A few examples to accentuate the point.

President Obama appointed the following people to positions in the government:
  • Timothy Geithner - Nominated for Secretary of the Treasury failed to properly pay his taxes from 2001-2004. A 2006 audit by the IRS revealed the error, but Geithner didn't pay the back taxes until he was nominated for the Cabinet position. Was he really qualified to hold this position?
  • Tom Daschle - Nominated for Secretary of Health and Human Services but it seemed the former Senate Majority Leader had problems doing his taxes. He used a donated car and driver for 2 years without reporting the "income" to Uncle Sam. Fortunately, he declined the appointment when this information was made public.
  • The average government employee spend up to 1/2 of their day at work watching porn or facebooking. The greater their salary, the more time spent surfing.
In an article entitled, "From Bad to Worse: US Taxpayers Keep Losing Money on Solyndra", it tells the story of how a company that was in financial trouble received over $537 Million dollars for research and development. In less that 2 years, the company folded and only about $27 Million of the $500 Million was projected to be repaid to the American People. The public has no idea where the rest of the money went.

Speaking of energy companies, "Obama's Green Energy Bets Keep Coming Up Short", lists 19 energy companies with government loans and their status as of a year ago.

Over 10 Billion dollars of American Taxpayer's money that was risked and most of it lost. Again, where did the money go? The most popular way to thank donors and sponsors is to finance their failing companies so they can siphon off enough for retirement while the ship sinks.

That is the beauty of Cronyism. Welcome to America.

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