Sunday, June 28, 2015

Legality versus Truth

I have read scores of articles written by both proponents and opponents of the decision last week by the United States Supreme Court declaring that marriage between gay couples should be legal in all states. Vicious, apologetic, angry, compassionate; they spanned the gamut of all the emotions.

Personally, I agree with Justice Roberts that since God created and designed marriage, he is also the only one qualified to re-define it. A majority of judges, regardless of their elevated opinion of their social mores, is simply not qualified to do so. Of course those who do not think God exists, respectfully, at times, disagree with me. Regardless, that has always been the situation. Those who don't believe in absolute truth have always been at odds with those who do.

Historically, self-appointed despots and kings, generally aligned laws to coincide with their personal will. Imprisoning or killing opponents, taking productivity from the people to support the monarchy in the form of taxes, ravishing and plundering the enemy, or their own people, all of these actions were legal, but they were not right.

In the United States, it was legal for centuries for some people to own other people as slaves or indentured servants. The owner was permitted to do virtually anything they wanted to these people. Beatings and murder were accepted as a right and a privilege. Even though it was legal, it wasn't right.

The consumption of alcohol and tobacco has been legal since the founding of the 13 Colonies. Alcohol was banned for a few years, but the underground abuse created more problems than before. As a result, accidental deaths, violence, unwanted pregnancies, and people rotting away from preventable cancers and other debilitating diseases plagues us even today. Even though their use is legal, it is not right.

Many large corporations, in league with municipalities, create complicated schemes to acquire property and resources from those least able to protect themselves ,allowing the corporations to become even more powerful and greedy. Even though it is legal, it is not right.

There are absolute truths regarding fidelity, chastity, promiscuity, and pro-creation. They fly in the face of our animalistic desires. They frustrate those who can't think of anything but the moment or themselves.

I would like to fly unassisted through the sky or swim down to the ocean's floor. Regardless of the sincerity or intensity of my desires, there are absolute truths that compel me to restrain myself. Gravity and oxygen are truths I can't ignore.

There are absolute truths that declare that violation of the laws of pro-creation, chastity and fidelity will bring negative consequences. We already have children of same sex couples lamenting the damage they had from not having a father and a mother in their lives. I just hope we don't have to make all the mistakes there are before we accept the truth.

I can not predict all the effects of the Court's rulings. There are those who are opposed to any contrary voices and would love to leverage this decision to the abolition of all opposition to their social agenda. It would not be the first time truth has been ruled illegal.

I take solace in the words of Gamaliel, speaking to the Sanhedrin as they were trying to convict the early Apostles, "Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it;"

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